
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Results and Review of Insanity Max:30

I am OFFICIALLY done with the 60 Day #InsanityMax30 program created by Shaun T! Woot!

The MAIN thing I learned from this program is that my body is literally capable of ANYTHING. Completing this ENTIRE program was probably one of the HARDEST things I've completed in my life SO FAR! It was also one of the most REWARDING! There were SO MANY times I wanted to throw in the towel and find some reason to quit {{and some days I did, especially in the last 30 days}} but I DUG deep and remembered why I started! I came out the other side a better ME! Being able to PULL through and find the INNER strength to get through this entire program showed me a little something about myself that I didn't know was there! This program pushes you and your body farther than you've ever thought possible--and I am THANKFUL for even my bad days within the last 60 days!

While the program is only 30 minutes and requires NO equipment(love that!), it will be the hardest 30 minutes of your LIFE. The concept of this program is to go as hard as you possibly can for as long as you possibly can before you take a break. That time when you stop to take a break is considered your "max out" time. The goal is to at least double your max out time between the first workout and the last workout. I went from barely making it 7 minutes to almost 20 minutes without taking a break. Being able to make it that far is a MAJOR feat in my book.

Month 1:

This is more about getting your body prepared for month 2, because the REAL battle starts in month 2.
I LOVED month 1. I had so much fun with the workouts. I never really feel like I've worked out unless I can't breathe afterwards, so this workout was PERFECT for that!

Month 2:

Month 2 is where you will really want to quit. Your body is ready and willing to do the work but it's your mind you have to convince. You think working through the burn is the hardest thing to push're wrong. The real fight is in your mind. You won't truly understand until you've been through it. 

I literally HATED the second month. I won't lie to you, I was thinking about every excuse possible to not complete this program. Apparently cardio isn't as much "my thing" as I had thought--at least not this kind of cardio. I felt like I was dying on more than one occasion. I'm all for pushing my limits but this was CRAZY. Maybe I'll try the second month over again when I'm closer to my goal weight. 


For those of you that are considerably overweight--don't let the intensity of this workout scare you off. I'm 200+ pounds and still able to jump around with the best of them. No shame in having to modify either. I modified for MOST of this program. Being able to say that I did this workout everyday was a HUGE accomplishment for me--it will be for you too!

Here are the before and after shots!


Weight: -27lbs
BMI: -3% Body Fat
Total inches loss: -18.5 inches

Breakdown of Inches:
Chest: -3.5inches
Waist: -5inches
Hips: -3inches
Thighs: L -1.5inches R -2 inches
Triceps: L -1inch R -.75inches
Calves: L -1.25inches R -.5inches


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