
Monday, April 3, 2017

How are you so 'with it' Ali?

There are SO many people that come to me WONDERING how I "do it." How I am so confident, bold and "with it," and I honestly have to keep from laughing hysterically.
With it? HAAAA!
I don't know who is reading this right now, but I KNOW what its like to spend an entire LIFETIME trying to pretend that I'm okay and that I have my sh*t together. To be PERFECTLY honest...I am NOT "with it" and I do NOT have my sh*t together.
What I am and what I have is SIMPLE.
I am FREE. Free of others opinions of who I am and who they think I should be. I have FREED myself from EVER having to pretend or bend to OTHERS expectations of me.
I traded in the cardboard version of who I thought I should be and who I thought people wanted me to be for the REAL thing. It wasn't easy. I had to come to terms and I'm still coming to terms with things about myself that I used to consider flaws. For example, I have without a doubt the BIGGEST, MANLIEST shoulders that I've ever seen on a woman but I REFUSE to ever consider them flaws again.
What makes them flaws? Society telling me that women are suppose to be small and dainty? PSHHH! No thanks.
You see...I redefined "with it" for MYSELF and it no longer had ANYTHING to do with hair, make up, the size of my shoulders, my weight or a life that wasn't riddled with mistakes (aka memories). In fact MY definition is the opposite. It has a lot more to do with the things that make me my SHOULDERS! Or LIKE the fact that I am one of few successful plus sized Coaches.

My GOAL is to REMIND each and every ONE of you that ALL those things that you think keeps you from having it all or being "with it" are in FACT the very reasons that you CAN have it ALL...IF you let yourself.
Are you ready to throw away the rules that you've lived by for so long and TRULY go for it? Are you ready to utilize the things that make you DIFFERENT to go AFTER your dreams? Are you TIRED of feeling like you CANT achieve all your goals because of what society has TAUGHT you to believe about yourself?
Could you even imagine a world where we all embraced ourselves fully and we made the DECISION to feel that we ARE enough, to feel confident and that we ARE all CHRONICALLY beautiful?
I live IN IT. It's all because of a little thing called "coaching." And I want to teach you how too. Fill out this little form below please because I'd LOVE to chat more with you!

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